Love is tricky.
And love is blind.
Love acuses weaknesses and fears.
Love causes pain.
Love keeps you awake, keeps your mind awake.
Love has funny ways of entering your life and funnier ways of leaving it.
Love comes when you least expect it.
Love is complicated but it does not cross my mind living a life where it does not breath.
Carolina Rosalie
My life in words and pictures. From beauty and fashion to personal things and love, here you'll find everything. Enjoy!
Where to find me
Saturday, 24 December 2016
Sunday, 30 October 2016
September 12. Portsmouth.
A not so far away pub. Full of people. Drinking.
Hard to find but I managed. Had some help.
I was late but got there.
Brought some friends. New friends.
Met new people. Soon-to-be friends.
We had some drinks. Uncharacteristic of me.
Arrived with the R girls. Went home with the Southsea people.
A half hour walk. Or more. I wasn't counting.
We talked. We got to know each other.
We made it home. We live so close.
Another day. Another pub.
Fish and chips before. Not the best.
A quiz I never had a chance to win.
We didn't win. We had fun.
Yates it is. I had Coke... now that's more like me.
Our first picture together. International friends.
7 weeks have passed. Feels like I've known you all my life.
Unexpected friendships. The Best Kind.
So glad I met you.
I feel happy around you.
Tuesday, 29 September 2015
Saturday, 26 September 2015
Coconut Cake
When the cake is half baked - when it's been in the oven for about 20 to 22 minutes as it takes about 45 minutes to bake - pour the warm sugared milk over it.
Thursday, 17 September 2015
Les Misérables
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Get Together With Friends

Thursday, 13 August 2015
Arrow vs. The Flash
On that day I got in touch with a side of me, a trait of my personality that I knew existed but I never realised how strong it was. That side of me believes in justice and equality, it believes that the people and the things who do harm to others and to the world deserve to be punished.
Gladly season 1 and then season 2 were being re-aired, two episodes per day from Monday to Friday. In 3 weeks time I watched all 46 episodes - 23 from each season. The bad thing was that I didn't know when I'd get the chance to start season 3. After way too many months waiting for season 3 to re-play I decided to watch it online - the thing was I wanted to watch it on TV because in my opinion it's 10 times better than to watch on my laptop.
This brings us to the present time. I have started watching Arrow, Season 3 last week and I am loving it!
I watched the first 7 episodes of it and then I had to stop and watch another show that is very much connected to Arrow. That show is called The Flash and it is a spin-off of Arrow.
There are certain episodes where the 2 shows mash-up and one has to be caught up on both of them to fully understand every single thing of the episodes.
So I stopped watching Arrow on its 7th episode and I started watching The Flash. Again I had heard about The Flash but I never thought it would be as great as Arrow. Turns out it is better!
I am now on the 13th episode of Arrow and I've finished watching season 1 of The Flash. These 2 shows have been my company for the past couple of weeks and I couldn't have wished for a better one - I'm aware how lame this sounds!