Saturday, 29 June 2013

A day with my friends!!

Hello beauties!! So two weeks ago me, my sister, my cousin and 2 friends decided to go to Sintra because we had nothing to do and it was also a special celebration of Erica's birthday (she's one of the friends and her birthday was in the beginning of this month but it doens't matter...). Four of us met up at my aunt's house and then we met up with Bárbara in Sintra.
First thing we had to do: FOOD, obviously. It's the most important thing in the world!! We first went to a very famous and cool cafe in Sintra: 'Piriquita'.

And this was what we got

Of course there were more of this but everyone ate them before I could take pictures (and that includes me)

And as we make every situation funny and the day was being really cool we wanted to take a few photos of our silly moments, just so that we don't forget anything that happened :)

And one of the things we sure will remember was the fact that a british couple (not sure if they were british or not but we think they were) along with family and friends went to this cafe after getting married. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen!!
Here they are, outside :)

As you can see we were already outside because we wanted ice cream!! 

After eating we went to the palace (outside, of course) and we started taking pictures of ourselves, singing, dancing, listening to good african music and making loads of stupid things. 

At night time we met up again and we went to Lisbon with my older cousins. We met a few drunk men that wanted us to take pictures with them but we didn't feel like doing it, if you know what I mean. But the highlights of the night were when we decided to say hi and wave at strangers outside the car and when we were listening to top 10 african music, singing really loud and making the people that were passing by dance.

Here are some of the pictures I took in the car 

And at the end of a fun day this is how I ended my night: chocolate milk and cookies :)