The first thing I think it's important and will most definitely help you is to plan things. Having a detailed schedule and a list or more will save you time and you'll have more control in this first phase of your life change. One note: Starting is not easy at all! You'll think it's gonna be really easy but, unless you have a strong and huge willing power, it won't. So keep this in mind: Don't give up, keep going even if you don't feel like doing it anymore. You'll regret the choice of giving up.
Doing a schedule is not hard. If you're in school or you have a job, or both, make sure that working out does not interfere with that. Schedule some time to go for a jod or do some home exercising, or go to the gym if you can or when you don't have anything to do.
For example: myself. I'm still studying and as I have all my classes at morning time I scheduled my working out routine to the afternoons. My week is basically planned like this:
-Go to school;
-Go to school;
-Come home from school;
-Have lunch and rest a little;
-Do my homework/study for tests (for as long as I need);
-Do my homework/study for tests (for as long as I need);
-Have a little snack and then do some home exercising or go for an afternoon job.
Try to do this at least # times a week.
(to be continued...)