Hello everyone! I wrote a list recently of all the things I want to have accomplished by the time I'm 20 and I decided to make a video about that, which will be up as soon as possible. I want you to comment down below or make a video response to my video telling me the things you want to have accomplished by the time you are whatever age.
Two years from now I'm going to make a video and I'm gonna share with you guys my experiences, what I have done and what I've not done, etc.
I'm gonna leave the list of the things I wanna do here and you guys can start thinking about your lists.
Things I want to have done by the time I'm 20:
1. Move to England
2. Grow my hair and have it long
3. Be healthy/fit
4. Have a proper job
5. Do you Youtue and Blog (maybe even has a job, who knows)
6. Have a healthy lifestyle
7. Workout often and eat healthy
8. Wear contact lenses
9. Drink at least 1.5L of water per day
10. Have my body hair laser removed
11. Have my stretch marks looking a lot better (and maybe do the treatment for stretch marks)
12. Figure out who I still want to be friends with and who I don't (have my friendships sorted out)
13. Read tons os books (Divergent series, The Hunger Games series, The Mortal Instruments series, etc.)
14. Throw away all of the things that represent negative periods of my life
15. Have more piercings
16. Get my 1st tattoo done
17. Dye my eyebrows brown
18. Travel
19. Meet new people
20. Courses (photography, culinary, etc.)
Let's reach our goals together!
If you like this idea make sure to share it and maybe it will become a new trend/TAG on youtube.
Thank you for reading, make sure to watch the video and subscribe, it's free! Also follow me on any ither social media sites, all linked on the side bar of the blog.
Talk to you soon!!! :)
Carolina Rosalie