Tuesday, 12 August 2014

A trip to Porto - No picture and going home (final day)

On the 14th of July I woke up at 8.20am. Grabbed my stuff and went to the bathroom to do the usual: pee and take a shower. The cleaning lady was there and so I waited for her to leave so I could do my peeing and some other stuff alone. She left just after I'd done my peeing and so I felt comfortable to fart! Yes, I do fart!
Right when i was letting the gas out she came right back in. Embarrassing!!
After that "oh, so delightful!" experience - I'm not kidding, it was delightful... the farting part, haha! - I took a shower, went back to the room to get dressed and, when everyone was ready, we went downstairs to have breakfast.

I was hoping the guy from the reception, the one I fancied, was going to be there because we all wanted to take a picture with him to save as a memory. Unfortunately he had left at 8am... So I did not get to take the precious picture :(
We grabbed some food and had the final breakfast of our trip. I ate chocolate cereal! Yummy!!!
After having breakfast we went upstairs to grab our things and then came down to check-out. We asked if we could leave our bags there as our train to Lisbon was only going to leave at 10 to 5pm. The guy at the reception said "Sure!"

We left to explore a bit more of the city and it was probably the best day of exploring.

We went to the riverside, took a lot of photos and even crossed the bridge to Gaia. We stayed there for about 10 to 15 minutes and then came back to Porto because we were starving.
There we had one of Porto's typical snacks, the "Francesinha". It was not the best but that restaurant did not seem to be very good either, although it was pretty funny to see the competition between the waiters.
That being said I have to say the service was cool!

After lunch we went back to the hostel nearbys so that we were closer to "home". We walked for a while and then, when it was all too much for our feet, we sat in a park, under the shadow, for about an hour. At around 3.30pm we went back to the hostel, grabbed our bags, made some sandwiches for later and said our goodbyes.
After the receptionist had wished us a good and safe trip my sister said "We'll be back next year!" He laughed. We all laughed.
Just around the corner there was a Costa Coffee which I really wanted to go to as there's only a few of those in Portugal - which is pretty weird as Costa Coffee is, like Nando's, portuguese. We went inside, ordered our drinks and sat there for a while, - we had plenty of time - had a little photoshoot! (it's all very new to us). We stayed there for a good 20 minutes and once we had finished our drinks we went to the train station.
There I had a bit of a pre-panic attack. I was extremely nervous as we did not bought a train ticket because the website of our hostel said that we could use our big-train tickets. It's complicated to explain but the fact is I was very nervous and anxious about that... But in the end it was all okay. We arrived at our station and had to wait 20-25 minutes for our big boy train to arrive.
There was a cute boy there so as pretty classy and usual of me, i started getting nervous and when I'm nervous I tend to sweat... How feminine and flattering of me!!!
The train arrived, we entered it and the 3 hours went by so much faster than I was expecting. I was not a peaceful trip but there were a few good moments. We arrived and our fathers were there waiting for us.
This was the end of our fantastic 3 days and we were all very sad that it ended but also very happy about all of the amazing things we had the privilege to experience.

The End!!

Thanks for reading!
If you want me to do more post like this just let me know :)

(There will be bonus posts just with pictures of the trip because I have a lot I want to show. Those posts will be up soon, keep checking.)