In case you didn't know already I have a Youtube channel and that means I make videos. Well, it is almost December, my favourite month of all months because it's the month of Christmas and we all know that Christmas is the best holiday!!
If you're a youtuber or you watch youtube videos you're probably familiar with this thing called Vlogmas. Vlogmas is a series of videos, usually 24 that youtubers do from the beginning of December till Christmas Eve day. It's a series of vlogs, usually "follow me around" type of vlogs that are made in celebration of Christmas!
Well my friends...
I am a youtuber,
I love December and I love Christmas,
I like to vlog!
That can only mean that I will be vlogging in December, I will be doing Vlogmas :)
But bare in mind that this is not your usual vlogmas. I am portuguese so I speak portuguese but my videos are in english so that is a problem. Like I said vlogmas is basically "follow me around" videos and most of the time I will be talking in portuguese so if you don't speak portuguese you would not understand a bloody thing...
So what can I do about that?
Instead of doing daily vlogs for Vlogmas I thought I could vlog whenever I'm doing something interesting and then I'd combine all the footage together.
I know this is not the original idea of Vlogmas but if I do it like this I am still doing something!
Well I hope you are excited about my Vlogmas vlogs as well as other youtuber's Vlogmas vlogs! Have a good beginning of December and I will talk to you in my next post!
Carolina Rosalie ♥
My life in words and pictures. From beauty and fashion to personal things and love, here you'll find everything. Enjoy!
Where to find me
Sunday, 30 November 2014
Saturday, 29 November 2014
❄Xmas Wishes❄ #4

Christmas Tea Cups
(from Continente)

The End!
Carolina Rosalie ♥
Friday, 28 November 2014
❄Xmas Wishes❄ #3

iPhone 6 Gold | iPad 3 Mini Gold | MacBook Pro 13"
Canon 700D + lens
Frends Rose Gold HeadPhones
Typing Machine | Record Player
To Be Continued...
Thursday, 27 November 2014
❄The Meaning of Christmas & Christmas Background❄
A season where a jolly environment and a beautiful spirit is all around!
When people ask me "What does Christmas mean to you?" (only one person has ever asked me this question) I really don't know what to say to them because it's loads of good, great & positive things mixed all in one. That in itself is a very good explanation of what Christmas is and means to me but at the same time it's not enough... I can say that it is that mix of a lot of great things but so are other times of year, like Halloween and Easter! So how can one explain the meaning of Christmas?...
Christmas may have different meanings to different people and that is great! For me Christmas is that time of year when you just feel good about everything, even when you're having a bad day. This might not happen to everyone and I know it doesn't but for me it is like this.
The things that just make this time of year feel so magical are the wheather (not everyone likes the rain and cold but I actually like them), the lights, the movies & the music, the jolly spirit that everyone gets into, the magic in the air, the amazing food, the fact that it is so close to another yearly favourite of mine, New Year, which makes it a lot more exciting as you're in that spirit for basically the entire month of December and the beggining of January... All these things!
It's really hard to describe Christmas in a sentence and it's also hard to describe it in a long text... the words just don't come properly and the sentences get all messed up - at least in my head. So if someone asks me, ever again, what the meaning of Christmas is I'm just gonna send them to this blog post as writting seems to make it a lot easier to describe.
My favourite part of Christmas, which I've not yet talked about is giving and sharing with my loved ones! I come from a family with mixed cultures so I never experienced Christmas in it's proper way... My mum's side of the family is Christian, so they celebrate Christmas but my father's side of the family is Muslim which means they don't celebrate Christmas as it's not part of their culture. So when my father married my mum and specially when me and my sister were born, he had to adjust to my mum's family cultural traditions... so he started celebrating Christmas. For him it does not have the same meaning that is has for me or my mum's family and I'm totally okay with that... but at the same time it's quite hard because Christmas is such a special season and such a big part of my life and so for me it should be celebrated properly...
Because this season isn't that meaningful to my father we sometimes don't decorate the house, we don't have a Christmas tree, we kinda have the tradition to do the Christmas shopping in a rush and just to get it done... All of these things make me feel quite gutted, we are not celebrating Christmas the way I always imagined and wanted to...
When it comes to my mum's side of the family things are not that great either, even though they are Christians. It's not that they're bad but it's still not my picture of the perfect Christmas. But although it is not my ideal way to celebrate this amazing holiday, I am still very happy to celebrate it. Every year I get in this mood and spirit, I always try to look at the positive side of things, I always try to encourage my family to decorate the house, to go get a tree, to do the Christmas shopping like it's meant to be done, with love and a lot of thought behind.
That for me is the true meaning of Christmas: Sharing the precious moments of this holiday with your loved ones and giving joy to them, whether that is through getting them some of their favourite things for Christmas or making them something really thoughtful or just spending Christmas day with them.
Christmas is not about the presents, it's not just an excuse to spend money on trees and decorations, it's not an excuse to get a few days off school or work - when we were all younger we might have thought that Christmas was all about the school break, the food and the presents but we were kids...
Christmas is all about loving, caring, sharing, giving!
Someone once said to me that Christmas shouldn't be about sharing and giving because those things should happen every single day of every single month of every single year. I totally agree with that! But Christmas is more of a season where you remember to do those things even more... not all people remember to love, care, give and share at all times but who does really?! (We're humans and we're not completely selfless at all times...).
So this magical season is a time where you take a break from everything and you just concentrate on you, your friends and family, your pets - if you have them - and you give all the love and appreciation you have inside of you.
And that, for me, is the meaning of Christmas! Four little verbs: love, care, share, give!
If you've read everything on this post comment down below and give me your meaning of Christmas.
I hope you have a good day, a great December and a fantastic Christmas!!!
A Very Happy & Merry Christmas To Every Single One Of You!
Carolina Rosalie ♥ ❄ ♥ ❄
❄Xmas Wishes❄ #2

Candle Holders
Ugly Christmas Jumpers/Sweaters
(these one are all from H&M)

(these ones are both from H&M)

To Be Continued...
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
❄Xmas Wishes❄
Christmas is a time for giving, a time for sharing!
Like all people who deeply love Christmas, I love to give presents to all of my loved ones. I love going Christmas shopping one month in advance, really think about the people, put time and effort on someone's presents. It's magical! But like everyone else I also like to receive presents, a lot!
They don't have to be big presents, a simple postcard with a lovely message inside or a few pictures framed beautifully will make me feel 10 times more happy than a bigger or more expensive present that someone bought me just because they felt the need to buy me something.
For me buying presents for your friends and family has to be done with no hurries, it has to be thoughtful!
So for all the people who are thinking about buying me something for Christmas I just want to say 2 things: only give me a present if you really mean it & it does not have to be something from a store or something a little more expensive, you can make me something. If it's made with love than it will be perfect and I will treasure it for the rest of my life!
That being said, I do have a Christmas Wishlist!
In case you are curious and you want to know what's on that list, here it is!
In case you are curious and you want to know what's on that list, here it is!
Black Hat & Black Leather Gloves
Fujifilm Polaroid Camera
(White | Pink | Blue)
Urban Decay NAKED Palettes
(1 | 2 | 3 | Basics 1 | Basics 2)
Harry Potter Movies
(specifically the following box set)
(Harry Potter Box Set)
(24 DVD Cd's containing all 8 movies + interviews)
The Lion King Trilogy

The Holiday | Stuck In Love
Frozen | Beauty & The Beast
Michael Bublé
To Be Continued...
❄Tea cups & Candles❄
Christmas is nearly here and if you love to give thoughtful presents to your loved ones then here are some ideas.
- If one of your loved ones loves tea you can buy them tea cups, tea sets and tea bags. Nothing better than a cup of tea on a cold winter day!
- For people who love to write, cute notebooks and pens are the perfect gift!
- For that cousin that is always reading something, a couple of books will do the job!
- Then there's the people who love to pamper themselves... Perfumes, lotions, bath bombs, face masks and more are the best option!
- Movies, series collections and music are also a perfect idea for a gift. There's a big variety of genres so there's definitely something for everyone!
- Candles are also a good idea. The house instantly becomes more cozy and the smell is pretty delicious!
- Pajamas are never enough. Buy Christmas inspired ones for those people who just love Christmas like they love their lives!
- For people who love the "cooler fashion", beanies, hats, scarves and gloves are a good idea!
- Then there's that girl (or boy) in the family who just loves makeup. A few lipglosses or maybe even an eyeshadow pallette will put a bright smile on her/his face!
- Is there someone in the family who has a massive collection on bags? If so give her/him another bag! Another one to had to the collection!
Here are 10 great ideas to give to your loved ones! They're not very hard to get and not very expensive which is good if you have a lot of people to buy presents for!
Happy Christmas and Good Christmas Shopping!
Carolina Rosalie ♥
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