Saturday, 15 November 2014

5 Prides

For the past couple of weeks I have been feeling like crap pretty much every single day... In one of those days I was watching MTV's show called "The Ride" and it was Demi Lovato's Ride. As she is one of my biggest inspirations in the world I really get inspired by what she says and I really follow her advice. On the show she said that whenever she is having sadder days and she's not feeling good about herself, she writes down 5 things she's grateful for to feel better.

This blog post is my version of what she said she does.
Instead of writting things I'm grateful for I am going to write a few things that I am proud of :)
  1. Starting this Blog
  2. Going out of my comfort zone and starting a Youtube channel
  3. Understanding that I deserve better than to be treated like a guaranteed thing
  4. Being able to deal with emotions
  5. Being brave enough to face people and tell them they didn't act the right way
Comment down below 1 thing you're proud of and share some love and support with the other readers xx

Carolina Rosalie ♥