Saturday, 19 October 2013

That's Just Who I Am

Hello beauties, today I have for you an inspirational post. 
So one day I was on Tumblr and I came across this very cool blog called “and that’s just who i am” and as I was scrolling down and reblogging stuff from there I thought that maybe I should take some inspiration from this blog to create something. The first idea that I had was a song (at least the lyrics), which I’m still gonna do but it’s not going to be easy and it will take time to be finished. So I decided to make something a little less time consuming and easier to do aka this post. So let’s start!!

I feel left out easily
If you feel left out make others notice that you’re there, don’t let them ignore you cuz they wouldn’t like if you’d ignore them.
I’m afraid
It’s okay to be afraid but don’t let the fear get the best of you, it must not be bigger than what you want.
I want a walk-in closet (with loads of clothes)
You’re not being materialistic if you want a big closet, it just proves that you love to feel pretty and good about yourself.

One little note when buying clothes and accessories:
Dress for yourself, not for others! - Jesy Nelson

I’m myself when I’m with my friends
I’m only me when I’m surronded by people that make me feel good about myself.
If you feel that you’re not you around certain people either you have to know them a little bit better and let them know things about yourself or they’re not your true friends.
In the first case you should talk to them and make them see that you don’t feel comfortable doing things around them, maybe they’ll help you get past that problem; In the second case just get rid of that bad people: they don’t realise you’re important and worthy, they’re not worthy of your time.
I’m unsure about everything
Being unsure is not a bad thing cuz if you knew what was ahead life would not be funny and joyful.
I get hurt easily
I get hurt with little stupid comments that sometimes a friend or a family member does. If it happens to you talk to whoever hurt you and try to solve that.
I wish people would see through my tough façade
This tends to happen when you’re not feeling happy. The best thing you can do is talk to someone and ask for help to get rid of that façade. Once you’re over with that (it can/might take some time) you’ll not feel the need to put on a façade in front of others.
I don’t accept myself
It is hard to fully accept everything about you but there are ways to do that, you just have to look on the bright side of things. For example: If you don’t like your eyes maybe try to start wearing makeup to make them pretty. Soon you’ll accept them.
I can’t wait to find myself
Most people go a long way till they find themselves but it will eventually happen. Don’t try to rush things, everything happens in the right time.
I think too much
It can be good but it also can be bad. If thinking a lot it’s making you feel down or upset try to think about good things or memories and keep yourself busy to get your mind out of those bad things. Going for a walk or going to the gym is usually a good option.
I want new friends
If you feel that the friends you currently have are not truly your friends talk to them, explain your reasons and move away. Find people that are more like you and try to be their friend, just be yourself and you'll be fine.
I try too hard to fit in
Don’t try to fit in because you will not be yourself and you will not show your “true colors”. Instead go on, gain some courage and talk to other people, maybe this time you won’t have to fit in.
I’m multiracial
Don’t be ashamed to be multiracial. I myself am multiracial and I actually like it, it allows you to know about different cultures and people.

For example: I’m indian, mozambican and portuguese. I’ve ate completely different types of food and my apperance is quite exotic, which people find interesting (a great way to make friends also).
I’m staying strong
Whatever happened or is happening or will happen in your life that will make you feel really bad and poorly, just remember that you’re not alone, there are a lot of people in the world going through the same thing as you and it will get better, you just have to believe it. Stay Strong for yourself and for others, you will be a better and stronger person after this dark period.
I’m nice to everyone
Remember to be nice to everyone.

Someone who is feeling bad and sad will brighten up a little bit if someone is nice to them.
Someone who’s already happy will be happier if they receive a huge smile or a nice complimment.
I care way too much about someone who couldn’t care less
If this is happening with you just forget that person, move on, they’re not worth the hours you spend crying or thinking about them.
I want to stop bullying
Bullying is not a funny thing, it’s very serious. If you’re being bullied or you know someone who’s being bullied ask for help.

Bullying can really destroy someone confidence and self-esteem and it takes years to get them back.
If you’re someone who treats others bad to feel good about yourself please quit doing that, it’s not good for you and it’s not good for your “victims”. Instead ask for help or find another way to feel confident.
I spend too much time indoors
Spending too much time indoors is not healthy at all. You need to turn off your computer and go outside to experience the good things this life has to offer.

There’s a video I’d like to recommend to whoever spends a lot of time indoors. If you’re afraid about what’s gonna happen outside your room, here’s the link:
I’m not going to let anyone make me believe I’m not worth it
You are totally worth it, don’t ever let anyone say that you’re not. You worth as much as everyone else and if someone says you don’t just ignore that person cuz he or she is talking absolute crap.
I’m not comfortable in my own skin
Feeling good in your own skin is not always easy to accomplish but it’s possible, you just have to give yourself some time and take good care of your body and your mind.
I’m not stereotypical
Good, that’s good. Don’t be stereotypical, be different. Original and different from everyone else is the best thing you can be. But at the same time don’t worry if physically you’re similar to others girls or boys, because emotionally and the way you think, your values are different from everyone else. Everyone’s perfect in their own way.
I still watch Disney Channel
Anyone that watches Disney or any other channel like that is cool in my eyes cuz I like people to be adult and serious when it’s required but most times I, myself like to be as silly and childish as I can be. Don’t ever let your inner kid die, ever (that’s what my mum says to me, haha).
I just want to be able to be myself without being judged for it
If people judge you because you do something or you are different from what they expect, let me tell you that you are with the wrong people. No one should judge your ways, your looks or your personality.

Just be yourself and the right people will come into your life.
I can’t remember the last time I smiled for real
That’s not very good because smiling and laughing are two of the best things in the world and are very healthy things to do. Just try to fix or solve, as quick as possible, any problems that you might have in your life and do things that will boost your hapinness, that way you’ll smile and laugh much more and it will be real.
I’m a good friend
Always be a good friend, it is very important to be a nice and caring friend not only because if you need something your friends will help you and support you in a more active way if you’ve been nice to them but also because being nice and helping others and caring are things you should do everyday. Why should we need na purpose to do that?
My problems follow me everywhere
Don’t let your problems follow you everywhere, they can’t be bigger than anything else. Of course there should be a time when you think about them but you are the one who chooses the time, not your problems. Clear your mind with other things troughout the day.
I don’t want to let anyone know that I’m broken
It’s obvious no one wants to be exposed when they are so fragile and emotionally broken but there will be a time when you have to do that, otherwise your problems are just gonna grow till you can’t take them no more. Tell someone you really do trust what’s happening and finish that pain before it finishes you.
I’m scared of the world
The world
can be a scary place but the real “monster” is your fear, the fear that you carry everyday with you. That fear isn’t allowing you to live properly and fully. You just need to focuse on what you want to do, take the fear and put it in a little box and trow it in the river. Don't let it stop you!
Well this are just a few of the quotes I took from the site. There's tones of them and I still have enough to do another post or maybe two. 

Let me know if you want another post like this! And if you're interested this is the Tumblr blog I took inspiration from:

Talk to you next week, thanks for reading. Love you loads! Bye!!