So here are the things that I am going to remember about this year that has just gone by so fast...
- I put a lot of time and effort on my Blog to make it better and I really enjoyed it and still am enjoying
- I started making videos for Youtube to go along side with my Blog and I really like it
- I had an incredible experienced when I went to Porto for the One Direction concert and I definitely want to repeat it
- On the concert subject, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to go to several concerts this year. I saw Emblem 3, Union J, One Direction, James Arthur, Jessie J & Justin Timberlake
- I created a special bound with two of my friends. I feel like these friendships will continue to grow and become friendships for life
- I did Vlogmas this year and I didn't fail any day
- My Birthday this year was the mos special one that I ever had because it was a small thing, celebrated with people who I love
- This year I discovered more Youtubers who I really like
- Mocking Jay Part 1 (I think that says it all)
- This yeas I bought a lot of book and specially movies, two of my favourite things in life
- The Fault In Our Stars, both book and movie. I read the book and then saw the movie and both are so good that I had to buy the DVD. Plus Shailene's performance in that movie is breath taking
- One of my good friends visited this Summer and I spent a few days with her and I really liked it because I missed her
- I bought the Divergent book series and all of them are incredible. Also the Divergent movie is spectacular and I just can't wait for Insurgent
- I've been obsessed about strawberry jam ever since I tried it on toast - How have I not found out about this food combo before?!
- New Piercing were also a thing that happened this year
- I graduated High School/Secondary School with a pretty good grade in my portuguese exam and I was really happy - still am - about that
- I felt a lot more happy because I've been trying to be more positive about life and see it in a different perspective
- I started a German course
- I lost weight
- I am very greateful about this next one: I am, in general, healthy and it is a blessing because that can change from day to night and the fact that throughout the majority of the year I was healthy makes me feel really happy
- I am grateful for decaf teas because I love tea but it's not good for me to drink tea with caffeine because of my anxiety
- And finally I am really about the fact that this year my anxiety was not as "strong" or present in my life
Those are all of the favourites of 2014 that I can remember right now. I am really happy that all of these things happened to me and very grateful about them and my wish for 2015 is that I can experience more amazing things and be healthy, discover new places, things, people, meet new people and overall have great year!
I hope you liked this post and feel free to comment down below what were your favourites of 2014. I will talk to you in a few days, in my last post of the year. Thank you for reading and have a Happy New Year!
Carolina Rosalie ♥