I decided to make a list of things that I want to do during the month of December. Things as simple as decorating a Christmas tree or things like attempting to do Vlogmas. I don't know if I will accomplish all of the things but at least I can try.
During the month of December I'd like to...
- Do my version of Vlogmas
- Buy a new Christmas tree and decorate it, as well as the house
- Go Christmas shopping with my friend
- Go Christmas shopping with my mum
- Spend more time with my friends
- Have a get together lunch or dinner with my friends from 9th grade
- Lose 2kg
- Drink more water
- Exercise every day
- Keep applying for jobs (and maybe even get a job)
- Start and finish my Youtube and Blog series called "All About Me"
- Be positive and enjoy the last month of 2014
All of these 12 things are my goals for this month and I will be so happy when I do them! Comment down below what are the things you want to do during the month of December.
That is all for today. I hope you had a great start to this great month!
Carolina Rosalie ♥❄♥❄