Thursday, 30 April 2015

Zoeva Makeup Brushes

I love makeup! I've loved makeup since I first starting watching Youtube videos, which was when I was about 12.
I've started buying makeup at that age but when you're that young you don't really know what you're doing - at least that was the case for me!
As the years went by and I started watching more and more beauty related videos, I started discovering new things, learning new things and falling more in love with makeup.

My passion for makeup has only grown since then and as I love it so much and I'd like to grow my collection, I decided to invest on a little set of brushes that are absolutely perfect.
The Zoeva Rose Golden Luxury Set, brushes of an immense beauty with a touch of "romantic copper" - as described on the Zoeva website.

I've not used them yet as they were only delivered at my house yesterday but I am eager to try them out!
Let me know in the comments below if you've got them and if so, tell me what you think!

Carolina Rosalie ♥

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Life Changing Changes

Hello everyone!
I am currently trying to change my lifestyle into a more healthy, active and positive one because in order to be and feel 100% happy with myself I feel like I need to make some changes.
The 3 areas in my life that particularly need some "cleaning" are Eating Habits, Exercising and The People in my Life.

I've already written a blog post concerning 1 of the subjects but I felt the need to write it again, along with the other 2, as I am indeed changing things in my life.
(In case you want to read my previous blog post on how to change your life just click the following word: exercising.)

There will be videos up on my channel where I'll tell you my experience and my results and I'll talk you through the steps and options you have to change your life. All of those videos will be on a playlist called "Life Changing Changes".

That is all for today. I hope you come here next week to read the 1st episode of this series and also the following 2. Don't forget to check out my channel and subscribe to keep up with the videos of this series, as well as all my other videos. Also feel free to check out all my social media and don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin'.

Thank you for reading!
Carolina Rosalie ♥

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Tangle Teezer Review

Tangle Teezers are really popular in the beauty community and so I wanted to get one for myself.
I had heard great things about it so that helped me to make the decision to buy it when I saw the price. I must say that it might have been a little bit expensive but it's something out of this world, my hair has never met such gentle brush.

My hair is quite difficult to deal with because it has mixed textures. Since I can remember it has always been really hard to detangle it because it tends to form tangles whenever it likes.
I never invested in a good hair brush until this past February when I got my hands on a Tangle Teezer. I must say that investing a little bit more in a good brush, even if it seems over-priced, pays off. In two months I have noticed that my hair feels healthier, my curls are coming back, it looks shiny and it's really easy to detangle. Never in a million years had I ever experienced easy detangling but now I have with this precious black object.

Tangle Teezers have my approval certificate!
If like me you are late to the Tangle Teezer hype and you are thinking about buying one, I suggest you do it because it is the best hair brush I've ever had.

Carolina Rosalie ♥

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Il Divo

In 2006 my father bought a DVD, a concert DVD of one of Il Divo's concerts. Everyone loved that DVD, it had the most beautiful lovely songs. From the day my father brought that DVD into the house it became something that would constantly be playing, even if no one was sitting there to watch it.
I remember loving one special evening - the day my father brought the DVD to the house - spent by the heater, reading my first ever book in english - which was actually an illustrated dictionary - whilst the DVD was playing. That was one of the loveliest evenings I've ever had in my life.
But I remember that I was the one person in the family that was not immediately and obsessively in love with Il Divo's songs but as I grew I fell more and more in love and I truly discovered the beauty of their voices, their songs and the way they perform them.
Now I say 'Thank God for Il Divo!'

Last year Il Divo came to Portugal - not for the first time - and I really wanted to go see them but I didn't go. Now I really regret it and I really hope they come to Portugal again and this time I will not miss the concert even if I have to go all by myself!

There's really no point to this post rather than to express my love for this amazing band! If you're a fan of them too let me know in the comments below.

Carolina Rosalie ♥

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Plans for the future

In a week it's gonna be 1 month since I finished my German Intensive Course and although I'm quite enjoying the time off, I am starting to feel like I just sit around the house and do nothing but watch tv or youtube videos. And obviously I enjoy doing that but not all the time so I made a decision, a decision to get back to the person I was a few months ago, a person who tried to do something productive with her life. But this time I am sort of going to "upgrade" that person, if you know what I mean...

Before I started my course I was a lot more active on my blog and on my youtube channel than I am now and I really want to go back to being like that. I want to start writting a lot more - and not just on my blog - and I want to start making videos again because doing that makes me feel like I'm being productive and it makes me feel happy!

I have already started posting more in this past month but I am still trying to get back on the posting schedule I've set up for myself. Before the course I always posted 3 times a week, at least and most of the times it was always on the same days every week. This time I want to do that again - so the posting days will be tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays - and I also want to have a consisted time of posting and I am aiming that to be around 4.30pm.

Youtube channelwise I will slowly get back to uploading videos and I definitely want to do more than 1 video per week. At the moment I'm still not sure of how the schedule will be but I will let you know.

And those are the initial plans for my brand. I now have a lot of ideas to think about, a lot of planning to do. I hope you stick around to see what's coming! Wish me luck xx
Carolina Rosalie ♥

Thursday, 2 April 2015

In 5 Years

Recently I've been thinking about a very important question: "Where am I going to be/What will I be doing in 5 years?"
Last week I turned 19 years old so in 5 years time I'm going to be 24. By the age of 24 I hope to have achieved some of my written-all-over-my-notebooks life goals, which include the following topics:
(1) University (2) Travelling (3) Experiences (4) People (5) Health & Happiness

(1) University
Ever since I was a little girl I dreamt of going to University to study things that I am passionate about and hopefully turn them into a career.
I dreamt - and I still do - that I'd meet people who would become my friends for life, that I'd have experiences worth sharing later with my grandkids and all meaningful and important people that would come into my life.

(2) Travelling
I have always loved to travel, to discover new places, to create memories, to meet new people. It is only now, at this age, that it's possible for me to travel like I want, when I want, to where I want and with whom I want.
I've not travelled to a lot of places but hopefully this is the start of that chapter in my life, hopefully the travelling adventures start now!

(3) Experiences
In my eyes experiences don't have to be grand. An experience can be as simple as being completely emerged in joy and happiness when doing something that gives you pleasure and makes you feel passionate, like going on a trip with your best friends or spending an entire day pampering yourself.
For me it can be going to a concert whether I know the artist or not, having a picknick on the beach with friends, embracing a sunny day.
The simplest of things in life are the ones you are able to enjoy everyday so enjoy them as much as you can because they're the ones you're going to remember loving!

(4) People
I am a people lover! I love to get to know different people with different interests, passions, lives. At 24 years of age I'd love to be surrounded by friends that I've got to know throughout my life, with whom I've had experiences that I'll remember all my life. I'd love to have helped at least some people achieve something they want, conquer a fear. I'd love to inspire people in some way.
I love people and I want many of them in my life!

(5) Health & Happiness
Every single day I conquer a fear or obstacle, I achieve something, I take another step towards my happiness. At 24 years of age I hope that I am still in this process of growing as a person, this process where I take small but meaningful steps everyday.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

Carolina Rosalie ♥