This post is not to talk about the movie itself but the important message I got from it!
At first I started thinking about my life and what I will be doing with it. In the movie there's this part where the main character Mason goes to visit the college/university he's planning on going to. When that happened I started getting really confused, worried and upset. I started thinking about what life really is! Is it just some sort of path you go down where you do all of these things everyone expects you to do? Is life really just about getting an education, finding a husband or a wife, settling down and having kids and having a job that pays the bills? Or is life made of moments, unforgettable experiences, taking risks, finding "your people"?
About 30 minutes later more had happened in the movie and I started to think that I don't have to do what everyone else is doing and that it's okay for me to still be confused. I realised I will be confused till the rest of my days because a life worth living has got to have moments of confusion. And not just confusion but sadness and all the feeling no one likes to feel.
In the last few minutes of the movie Mason is talking to this girl he met in his first day of college/university and she says to him: "You know how everyone's always saying "seize the moment"? I don't know. I kind of think it's the other way around. You know, like the moment seizes us."
This simple thing she said really made me start thinking about the whole "seizing the moment thing". I am still trying to figure out the reason why. All I know is that it made lot of sense to me!
And because of that I'd like to leave these questions for everyone to discuss in the comment section below: (1) Do you think we seize the moment or the moment seizes us? ; (2) Why is it so easy for us to say "seize the moment" but so hard to accomplish?
Also if you've not seen the movie "Boyhood" yet, I really advise you to. Before watching it I had really high expectations about what it was like and it completely surpassed them!
Carolina Rosalie ♥