Saturday, 22 February 2014

Things I like to do when I'm feeling down

Hello my lovelies! 
Today I thought I should give some advice that really does work for me when I'm basically feeling like shit.
If I'm having one of those days when I hate the world and I just want to sleep and not talk to a single human being, I find the following things calm me down and put me in a much better mood. That way I won't feel as bad and I won't take the risk of pissing my mum off (she or anyoned else do get angry when I'm angry because I tend to turn into a very rude person when I'm in a very bad mood; gladly that doesn't happen quite often).

if you want to relax immediately this website has really good meditation/relaxation music: 

you should clear your mind and try to forget all of the things you're going through

also disconnect from the world by turning your phone off
one thing that I also like to do is let go of the bad thoughts, whether it's through writting, talking to someone or talking to myself (in this last case I record myself talking because I feel like I'm really letting go and all the bad thoughts are stuck in the video I recorded)
try to think positive and about happy things

reading a book, listening to music, watching a movie or several movies are all things I like to do to clear my mind
talking to friends or family is one way to distract you and you won't think about the things that are upsetting you
sleeping is also good
do something creative, even if you're not the most creative person
go on tumblr
go out with friends if you feel like doing it is gonna help
have a cuppa tea to relax
have some "you" time and take care of yourself

remember that crying is okay and is good

That is basically it for this post.
I hope it was helpful and if so please comment down below telling me what was the most helpful thing out of all the suggestions or write some of the things that you like to do when you're feeling down.
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Thanks for reading!
Carolina Rosalie