Letting go of what you like/love is never easy and most of the times you regret doing it. But there is always a bright side, a positive thing that comes into your life when you let go of something that doesn't need to be a part of your life anymore.
For example, one of the most common things people want to let go of is a sad or bad past. Most people don't have enough strength to do that whenever they want but eventually they'll have to do it if they want to start having a better and brighter life.
And for me (and the entire human species and animals and rocks...) one of the things you can't change is the past. You might as well let go of it and start living the life you've imagined.
My case is actually very similar to the example I just gave. For years and years I said to myself "You need to change Carolina, you need to let go of the past and start living the way you want to..." but as I was just a kid, still am, I couldn't do much about it. I needed help to change several things I was doing wrong, bad habits.
But as the years went by I started to see that I don't have to change everything at once. I'll eventually get to where I want if I take little steps towards that way.
So here I am... still a kid... changing my habits, the way I see life and I'm becoming a better, happier and healthier person.
So the main thing I'm trying to say here is: it does take a lot of courage to let go of things but if you do it better things might come your way.
I hope you enjoyed this very random blog post. Feel free to follow me on Bloglovin' or any other social media sites, all linked on the side bar. I'll talk to you next week :)
Carolina Rosalie <3