Saturday, 1 February 2014


Well this a blog series kinda like the Youtube Favorites Monthly Videos. I wanted to share this with anyone that reads my blog (and if you're new, Hi, welcome to the Rosalie family!!) because I've come to realise that you really need to choose happiness and not wait for it to just happen, and for me that starts with the way you think about life and everything that comes with it. I try to look at the bright side of things and it really works, I'm much happier now that I do that. 
And with the thoughts comes the "events", the things that will allow you to have fun and be happy, like the opportunity to go to the cinema with your friends or have a really nice day with your family. It's the little things that count and we don't always see that...

This month has been eventful for me and it's probably the first time I've been proper happy in years. I had good days and bad days, obviously but that didn't stop me from choosing happiness... if that makes any sense.

This month started quite good actually, me and my sister had an all nighter and watched a movie on the 1st of January. That may seem really normal and simple but it was a really good night/morning.
And like this other little things happened to me this month:
-I got sick and because of it I was able to stay home for 3 days and on one of those I watched 6 movies
-I went to see 'The Wolf of Wall Street' for my sister's 16th bday
-I ate chinese food, one of my faves
-I watched vlogs and read blogs
-I bought a ticket for a concert happening in April
-I found that Michael Bublé is coming here in February (this one is not as happy because I'm not going but it's great that he's coming)
-I am much closer to my best friends 
-I'm getting closer to an old friend of mine 
-I spent a whole evening talking to my mom (it was a really great conversation)
-I laughed when everyone in my class was upset because of the slow internet connection my school has
-I cried two times in one day because of the most amazing news 
-I decided to change my twitter name and instagram name (btw if you wanna follow me on both searched for carolinarosalie)
-I know what I want to do with my life and I'm not as lost as I was before
-I have lots of ideas for this blog and for other things

These were the highlights of this month and I'm sure the following months are going to be as good if not better.

Thanks for reading, don't forget to check my social media sites linked on the side bar. Follow me on Bloglovin' if you wanna keep up with my posts.
I'll talk to you soon!!
Carolina Rosalie :)