Saturday, 22 February 2014

Things I like to do when I'm feeling down

Hello my lovelies! 
Today I thought I should give some advice that really does work for me when I'm basically feeling like shit.
If I'm having one of those days when I hate the world and I just want to sleep and not talk to a single human being, I find the following things calm me down and put me in a much better mood. That way I won't feel as bad and I won't take the risk of pissing my mum off (she or anyoned else do get angry when I'm angry because I tend to turn into a very rude person when I'm in a very bad mood; gladly that doesn't happen quite often).

if you want to relax immediately this website has really good meditation/relaxation music: 

you should clear your mind and try to forget all of the things you're going through

also disconnect from the world by turning your phone off
one thing that I also like to do is let go of the bad thoughts, whether it's through writting, talking to someone or talking to myself (in this last case I record myself talking because I feel like I'm really letting go and all the bad thoughts are stuck in the video I recorded)
try to think positive and about happy things

reading a book, listening to music, watching a movie or several movies are all things I like to do to clear my mind
talking to friends or family is one way to distract you and you won't think about the things that are upsetting you
sleeping is also good
do something creative, even if you're not the most creative person
go on tumblr
go out with friends if you feel like doing it is gonna help
have a cuppa tea to relax
have some "you" time and take care of yourself

remember that crying is okay and is good

That is basically it for this post.
I hope it was helpful and if so please comment down below telling me what was the most helpful thing out of all the suggestions or write some of the things that you like to do when you're feeling down.
Follow me on Bloglovin' if you'd like to keep up with my posts and don't forget to check out all of my other social media sites linked on the sidebar.

Thanks for reading!
Carolina Rosalie

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Letting Go

Hello everyone! Today I thought I'd share my thoughts on this phrase "One of the happiest moments in  life is when you find the courage to let go of what you can't change".

Letting go of what you like/love is never easy and most of the times you regret doing it. But there is always a bright side, a positive thing that comes into your life when you let go of something that doesn't need to be a part of your life anymore.

For example, one of the most common things people want to let go of is a sad or bad past. Most people don't have enough strength to do that whenever they want but eventually they'll have to do it if they want to start having a better and brighter life. 
And for me (and the entire human species and animals and rocks...) one of the things you can't change is the past. You might as well let go of it and start living the life you've imagined. 

My case is actually very similar to the example I just gave. For years and years I said to myself "You need to change Carolina, you need to let go of the past and start living the way you want to..." but as I was just a kid, still am, I couldn't do much about it. I needed help to change several things I was doing wrong, bad habits. 
But as the years went by I started to see that I don't have to change everything at once. I'll eventually get to where I want if I take little steps towards that way.

So here I am... still a kid... changing my habits, the way I see life and I'm becoming a better, happier and healthier person. 
So the main thing I'm trying to say here is: it does take a lot of courage to let go of things but if you do it better things might come your way. 

I hope you enjoyed this very random blog post. Feel free to follow me on Bloglovin' or any other social media sites, all linked on the side bar. I'll talk to you next week :)
Carolina Rosalie <3

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Take a look inside my mind

(I wrote this on sunday, the 19th of January)

Today is the first bad day I've had this year, it's the first day that I sat down to think about what is currently happening to me and to others out there. I always say to myself "Don't think too much about your problems, it's only gonna stress you out and you're not gonna feel okay." But I end up thinking about the problems anyway because it's seems to me that when I do that, after feeling sad, anxious, angry and so on, I get into a calm and relaxed state of mind because I find my inner peace and I know everything is gonna be alright. I have been through so many things in my short period of life (true fact)... one more is not gonna make me fall or break down. I've realised they only make stronger!

[I believe the "so many things" I've experienced were meant to be, were meant to happen to me because it was God's way (btw I'm not religious but I do believe there is something above us that controls all lifes and does everything with a purpose... I don't have any other name for this "force" so I call it God) to "create" the person I am supposed to be, with a strong personality and my own believes, a voice to others, an inspiration... I believe I'm going to be that person some day because that is what I see myself doing with my life. I want to have a voice and inspire others, give advice and be a role model to younger and older people. I want to be able to save lifes, I want to help.]

So I'm writting what I'm feeling because it's my way of letting the bad thoughts go. I like to think that if I turn something negative into a positive thing, that is going to bring positive things to my life. I'm not only creating a good thing but also making myself feel better about it. And I think that is one of the purposes of life: finding a way to let go of the bad whilst creating the good, whether it's for yourself or for others.

This is all I have for you today. Thanks for following and reading, Don't forget to check out my other social media sites. Share this post if it did you any good.
I'll talk to you next week. 
Lots of love. 
Bye! ;)

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Saturday, 1 February 2014


Well this a blog series kinda like the Youtube Favorites Monthly Videos. I wanted to share this with anyone that reads my blog (and if you're new, Hi, welcome to the Rosalie family!!) because I've come to realise that you really need to choose happiness and not wait for it to just happen, and for me that starts with the way you think about life and everything that comes with it. I try to look at the bright side of things and it really works, I'm much happier now that I do that. 
And with the thoughts comes the "events", the things that will allow you to have fun and be happy, like the opportunity to go to the cinema with your friends or have a really nice day with your family. It's the little things that count and we don't always see that...

This month has been eventful for me and it's probably the first time I've been proper happy in years. I had good days and bad days, obviously but that didn't stop me from choosing happiness... if that makes any sense.

This month started quite good actually, me and my sister had an all nighter and watched a movie on the 1st of January. That may seem really normal and simple but it was a really good night/morning.
And like this other little things happened to me this month:
-I got sick and because of it I was able to stay home for 3 days and on one of those I watched 6 movies
-I went to see 'The Wolf of Wall Street' for my sister's 16th bday
-I ate chinese food, one of my faves
-I watched vlogs and read blogs
-I bought a ticket for a concert happening in April
-I found that Michael Bublé is coming here in February (this one is not as happy because I'm not going but it's great that he's coming)
-I am much closer to my best friends 
-I'm getting closer to an old friend of mine 
-I spent a whole evening talking to my mom (it was a really great conversation)
-I laughed when everyone in my class was upset because of the slow internet connection my school has
-I cried two times in one day because of the most amazing news 
-I decided to change my twitter name and instagram name (btw if you wanna follow me on both searched for carolinarosalie)
-I know what I want to do with my life and I'm not as lost as I was before
-I have lots of ideas for this blog and for other things

These were the highlights of this month and I'm sure the following months are going to be as good if not better.

Thanks for reading, don't forget to check my social media sites linked on the side bar. Follow me on Bloglovin' if you wanna keep up with my posts.
I'll talk to you soon!!
Carolina Rosalie :)