Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Getting Inspiration

As a blogger, youtuber and in general a creative person I have to constantly be inspired and find topics to talk about in my Blog and Channel. And sometimes it's not all that easy to find inspiration every single day but I have my own ways, which I am about to share with you.

(1) Random things
Sometimes I am walking in the streets or doing something at my house and I see or hear something ordinary. That something makes me think of something else and a process starts in my mind which leads to an inspiring idea for a post or a video.

(2) Boosts of inspiration at night time
It's at night time that my creativity really flows because my brain is starting to get calmer and so it functionates better. And because of that I constantly have boosts of creativity at late hours which is probably not the best thing but I seem to make it work.

(3) The Universe's help
Sometimes when I don't have any sort of inspiration the Universe gives me a little help. For example a couple of nights ago I had a really strange dream that I ended up remembering once I woke up and that gave me an idea for me to write a story and also the an idea for a blogpost, in fact this one.

So that's my secret on how I get inspiration. My tip for anyone who wants to feel a little bit more inspired is to stop thinking so hard about things and eventually the ideas will pop-up in your head. If you find that they are stupid, don't put them aside right away because they might be better than you thought!

Carolina Rosalie ♥