Sunday, 8 March 2015

Detoxing My Life

Recent events in my life have made me realise that there's a lot of things I want to change about my habits, my relationships, my routines... myself basically.
In the last few months I experienced both good and bad things and I know for a fact that the bad things I experienced are not my fault... but I can remove myself from those situations so that I don't have to experience them. I feel like I had to experience certain things so that from now on I know what is good for me and what is not worth my time nor my effort.

If you follow me on Twitter you may have noticed that I sometimes tweet about "detoxing my life", choosing the right people to have in my life, choosing to be healthy... I definitely want to do that, in fact it is one of my goals for 2015 but also for the rest of my life... But life doesn't always go the way we want it to go and sometimes people have to do certain things that they might not want to do in order for them to change their lives and live the way they want to. That is exactly what is happening to me and although some of the things I have to do are quite hard, I know that once I do them it will be 10 times easier to move foward and grow into the person I want to become.

One week from now I am going to turn 19 and I dreamt that at that age I'd be a lot different from what I am today. I dreamt that I'd be experiencing different things, I dreamt that I'd have relationships that would last me a lifetime. Unfortunately my life is, in some aspects, the opposite of what I dreamt it would be. But the thing is, I don't feel sorry for myself because I know that that won't change anything. The only way things are going to change is if I take measures, do things. I know this from experiencing the whole "feeling sorry for myself & I wish my life was a movie" thing.
But about a year ago I decided that I wasn't going to be like that anymore and so I changed my thoughts, I opened up my mind and I tried to do things... and if I failed at doing them I'd try different things. The whole point that I am trying to talk about here is that your mind and the way you think is the key to success!

But that is not enough on it's own and that is precisely what this post is about. - I am aware that this was a huge introduction but I had to give you some back up story for you to understand what I'm about to say better.
If, like me, you decided that you don't want to keep on wasting your time & your effort on leading a life that is not fullfiling you the way you want it to fullfil you than you have to take measures!

One of the things I feel like it's best to do is to surround yourself with positivity. You, yourself, have to try and look at the life with a positive perspective - this helps a lot! And you must also surround yourself with people who have a positive effect/impact on you and who support & appreciate you. This way you have a "safe place" to come back to if you ever find yourself feeling lost, needing some comfort and some advice.
If surrounding yourself with positive people means you have to "delete" some people from your life than I think you should do it, even if it is hard. Be aware that you don't have to be extreme! You can still be with people who may not be the most positive ones, you just have to be sure that they're not going to influence you in a negative way.
Sometimes we might have in our families people who are a bit negative towards us... To delete those people from your life would be a bit too extreme but if you don't feel appreciated or comfortable around them then something must be wrong, so try to talk to them and explain what you are feeling that is taking place and if they understand you - or try to do it - then you will probably see some results. But this might not happen - and I know it would be ideal if it did.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ In terms of routines and habits the first thing I think it is best for you to do is to ask for help because sometimes it is quite hard to change all on your own. Talk to one of your friends or sibilings, cousins and explain what you want to do from now own and ask if they'd be interest in joining you. For example if you want to start working out, just get a bit of exercise in your life and you don't want to do it alone ask your brother or sister, best friend, cousin or one of your parents even.
Last year I wanted to start working out but I did not want to do it all on my own because I felt uncomfortable to out into the streets by myself, so I asked my sister to join me and for a few months we'd go together. And now I am prefecty comfortable about going to work out on my own, I don't need people to come with me.

The second thing that I feel like it's important for you to do is to create some sort of schedule and try to stick with it for a whole month. They say that is takes 21 days for you to get used to something new so if you do it for a whole month it will be even better!
This schedule can be an exercising schedule, an eating schedule, a working/studying schedule or any other schedule you'd like it to be. Please remember that your schedule has to be realizable, don't try and push yourself to do something that you know you won't be able to do. It's important that you start slow and as time goes by you gradually start changing your schedule or adding "tasks" in your routine.

The third and final thing I think it's important for you to do is not to put a lot of pressure on yourself. It's important that you start changing your habits and routines if you want to change your life and the way you feel about it, but if something doesn't work out at the beggining it's okay. It takes time to find what suits you and your life best. You are unlikely to figure everything out the first time you try to do something new and that is completely fine!
I know I got really frustrated when I was trying to change something about me or my life and it didn't work out. Later on - a few years later on - I found that these types of processes, these types of changes take time. And I am still trying to figure a lot of things out even though I started this process about 5 or 6 years ago. Sometimes I still feel frustrated about how long this is taking but when I find myself feeling like that I take a second to think about everything I've experienced and how far I've come.

So these are my tips of advice, all coming from personal experiences. They might not work for everyone but I think they won't harm anyone who tries them out. Good luck! Make sure you let me know the consequences of my tips on your life.
Carolina Rosalie ♥