The last time I blogged was yesterday but before that was January, the 19th. Since then a lot has changed although it remains the same. Let me explain...
In case you didn't know I took a break from the (in construction) Carolina Rosalie brand - Youtube & Blog - to take a German course. I studied this intricate language from Germany a few years ago but as I stopped practising I forgot most of the things I had learnt and because learning languages is one of my passions, I decided to take an intensive German course to re-learn the language. In about a week I am going to be finished with the course and it's a bitter-sweet sensation.
Throughout my time in the course I felt like I was growing, not just as a language speaker but as a person. I was the youngest in my class, ages going from 18 to 56 years old and most days I felt comfortable with that. There were a few occasions when I felt a little like an outsider because all of my classmates have had experiences that I am yet to discover and live, they know a lot of things I don't and they are a lot more wise than I am, in some aspects. But when these rare occasions occurred I tried to think of them as opportunities to learn, learn about life.
The bitter-sweet sensation happens because I had a great time taking the course, I felt great about myself. One thing I am going to remember about this experience is that everyday I'd go to the place where I was taking the classes and after 4 hours "trapped" in a room, I'd leave feeling a warm and joyful sensation.
But now it is time to move on to other experiences...
What's ahead of me?
As everyone else in the world - or almost everyone - I cannot know what is ahead of me because I can't see the future (although sometimes when I'm asleep I dream about things that years later I experience and then I have déjà vus, which makes me kind of a seer). But I can plan what I want to do and I know for a fact that things will not occur exactly as I want them to but, if I really want something, I'll fight for it and eventually it will happen in the most unexpected way ever.
And what I plan to do is to get myself a job to make some money and gain some working experience. I am not sure when this will occur but hopefully some time soon because I need to save some money for a few things that I plan on doing later this year.
Plans concerning my (in construction) brand: I want to keep on making videos and writting on my Blog, I want to eventually grow as a Youtuber and a Blogger, expand to other places of the world, put out content that I am really passionated about and proud of, etc.
I am not in total control of the growing and the expanding of the brand but I think that if I grow as a person and my content grows with me and if it defines me than people will start to notice what I do and eventually I will have an opportunity to grow in this industry.
To be continued...
Carolina Rosalie ♥