All of these "things" either combined together or just by themselves are obstacles to one thing that is very important for me, which is enjoying life and all the things that come with it, good and bad.
This topic is something I think it's massively important to talk about because like me - I often experience some of these obstacles - there's a lot of people who suffer from anxiety or depression, a lot of people who don't feel good about themselves, a lot of people who feel like they don't belong somewhere...
This used to be a topic I didn't feel comfortable to discuss with other people and sometimes I still feel a little bit embarassed to share some of these things with friends or family but it's important to talk and to ask for help!

If you don't know already I have been dealing with weight and body confidence issues from a very young age, I have social anxiety, I've experienced depression and I had an eating disorder, I was made fun and picked on when I was younger, I have been let down, I was left out several times and I felt like it was my fault, I felt guilty.
So I am not new to these "subjects", I really know what I am talking about, in the means of knowing how it feels and what it takes to make some of these go away or just make them less horrific.
Keep in mind that I am no expert, this is coming all from personal experiences.
Also if you would like to know, on full detail, my story concerning each of these topics just click on the following words and they will take you to the post concerning a certain subject:
Anxiety | Depression | Body Confidence & Being Overweight | Eating Disorders | Confidence & Self-Esteem | Motivation
Now that the introduction is over (long, I know...) you will have to go to my channel to know what I did and do to be happier and feel better even when some of the "obstacles", which I face on the daily bases, get to me - link to it on the "Youtube Tab" above.
I really hope you feel a little better and more inspired once you finish watching the video!!!
Thanks for reading. I will talk to you in a few days :)
Carolina Rosalie ♥