When the year began - and even before that - some things happened in my life which I am trying to deal with in best of ways without getting myself submerged in them.
I won't go deeper into this subject but I can say to you that you have nothing to worry about. I will find a way to deal with the recents events and I will go back to my normal self - or even a better me, who knows??
But what I wanted to say is that I am not in the best of moods and I won't be until the things happening in my life are solved, so for now I will not commite to making any videos on my channel nor blog posts here.
I really want to keep doing posts and videos but at the moment I am somewhat unable to do it. But as soon as I feel better, as soon as the troubles that I have in hands are solved I will be back on the video and post "making".
I could have kept on doing videos and blog posts - and I tried, believe me - but they weren't good enough, I was not happy about them. I don't want to put up content that I am not proud of so it's better to take some time for myself, some time to better myself and to better my content and then, when I feel ready, I will start putting up content again!
One more thing before I leave, I am trying to grow both my channel and my blog, content wise. I want to keep doing, showing and talking about the things that I talk about but I also want to start putting up content that I am really passionate about. Things like fashion & beauty (which I don't talk about as much as I'd like to), food & recipes, new discoveries, music, acting, lifestyle and random little things that I love!
Like promised I will be back as soon as I feel like it's best for me to come back, as soon as I feel better and as soon as I feel happy about my content.
Until next time my loves!
Carolina Rosalie ♥