This book's inspired on Alex's stories, which she has written herself and published in several books.
The way she travelled from country to country was by using this thing called "Couchsurfing" - go to for more details. It is basically a community of people who want to travel to different countries, get to really know and absorb their culture without paying a single penny.

It is one of the most interesting books I have ever read and also I great help as I'm a person who hasn't got a lot of money but would like to travel to several countries. If you are like me I think you should check out the website and see what it is about.
I did not mention the most important fact: you stay at other people's houses and sleep there for how many days they want you to sleep and it isn't necessarily in a bed... it can be a bed but it also can be a couch, a mattress or even just the floor.Well, you might think this is not safe... I had my doubts also. But after reading the book and seeing a few videos uploaded to the CouchSurfing's youtube channel (click here to go to their channel) I feel like it's not as bad as it sounds.
I've never tried doing it and if I ever do, which I probably will, I'll share my experience here and also on my youtube channel.
That's all for this post. Sorry if it was too short but I just wanted to let you all know about "Couchsurfing" because I think it is a very cool community and I think people who love to travel and get to know other countries and cultures should try this, as it probably is the best way to have tons of great and grand experiences.
All my links are in their usual place - at the end of the page - so you should check them out and also don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin'.
Thanks for reading!!
Carolina Rosalie