I am 18 years old and this year I finished High School/Secondary School. I am very aware of what I want to do with my life - a bit of everything I am passionate about - but I still want to experiment and do other things before "growing up" and commiting to my job for the rest of my life.
This Summer I have been the center of attetion in my family. Everyone is constantly asking me "What are you going to do now?", "Have you been accepted in University?", "What are you going to do with your life?" and all questions similar to that.
Because of that constant "jumping on me" and attempts to give me "advice" (brutal advice that is not in any way similar to advice) I closed myself like I do in most stressful or anxious situations. Nowadays, as a consequence of what has been going on this Summer, I get very anxious and emotional everytime someone asks me about University or what am I going to do this year.
To clear things up a bit I just want to say that:
- I am not going to University yet (I might not go ever as the things I want to do for a living don't require that)
- University is not the only option and I still plan on getting educated on areas of my interest
- I still plan of getting experience on areas of my interest
- The rest of this year and next year I am doing courses in my areas of interest, I am going to work for the first time in my life and I am going to do things I have never done to get myself ready for life as a young adult
Also I have the support of my parents and my sister. I have the support of my aunt whose more like my grandmother. I have the support of my actual grandma. And I have the support of people outside of the family - young and adult friends & one of my teachers from 9th grade - who totally understand that I might not be ready to make this big of a choice.
To all of the people who are in this situation or something similar:
If you don't know what you want to do yet, that's okay.
If you don't want to go to University - just yet or ever - that's okay.
If you found something more suitable for you just go for it! Just do your thing and don't give up!!
If you want to gain experience or you just want to try new things, that's okay.
Just remember that eventually you have to choose what you want to do and grow up but it hasn't got to be now!
We are young, we must experience life before choosing what to do with our lives.
We might like something now but in a few years time it might be something different.
Don't just do things because you want to please your family or people in general.
Gaining experience is always good.
Having time for yourself and to think about what you really want is always a good idea.
To finish this post I have some quote images to inspire you & cheer you up!
Thank you for reading. Leave your opinions or suggestions for future blog posts or videos in the comment section.
Carolina Rosalie