Hello everyone! If you've read my blog post or seen my video, both titled "The Future", you will know that I recently finished High School/Secondary School and because I am not going to University this year I have been feeling a little bit lost in terms of what I should do. Obviously there's things I want to do but they all scare me because they're way out of my comfort zone and also because some of those require money, which I do not have.
This week I've been feeling very sad, lost and terrified which makes me have anxiety and sometimes panic attacks. Fortunately I learnt how to control my panic attacks when they're just about to start so they were not as bad as they could have been.
Usually I'd been starting school in a few days but I am not going to do anything as of yet.
For the rest of September I will be helping my mum with some things, finnaly learning how to cook and spending more time with 2 of my best friends.
After that "adult" things take place... hopefully I will start working in the beggining of October. And also I am going to keep on blogging and making videos!
But one thing I was terrified of was not knowing what to do in 2015. I still have to do some research and discuss things with my mum but I there's a school which fits my plans and expectations. So I think I will be applying to that school next school year.
This was a pretty rambly blog post but I just wanted to let you know that things are falling into place!
I hope you are having an amazing September so far. If you've enjoyed this blog post make sure to follow me on Bloglovin' to keep up with all my posts. Have a great weekend and I will talk to you next Tuesday :)
Carolina Rosalie