This passion comes from other passions of mine: photography, dreaming, creativity...
Another thing I really enjoy is sharing the things I love with other people because that is one way to make friends, which is also something I love!
So I thought I'd share with you some of the things I like, my passions, my crazy weird obsessions through pictures.
Shall we?...

We all know I love my kittens ♥
I love food. I am very picky. I wish I liked everything!
This one has got 2 of my faves: Cats and Christmas ♥♥
Speaking of Xmas!!!
The next two represent the cooler months and it's colors. There's one I am passionate about: Gold!
Speaking of the cooler months... It's officially Autumn and with it come the chilly days, the rain and the early nights!
I am very into home decor and even just looking at these home bits and bobs I feel happy
And there's cool home bits like this that just make me feel excited that Halloween is coming!
Bits like this also make me feel happy!
As well as this...

My 2 final loves - of this blog post, don't worry! - are brownies & blogging
Both heaven on earth!!
And that is it - for now!
I hope you enjoyed this blog post! Talk to you in a few days xx
Love,Carolina Rosalie ♥
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(images from We Heart It)