I was thinking about how Christmas makes me feel, because I am very excited about that and I want it to come fast! And as I was getting all jolly and happy about the thought of Christmas I suddenly had the idea to do either a blog post or a video sharing the love that I have for "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year"!
But that would not be enough so I decided to let you in inside my life, once more!!! - I actually really enjoy sharing some bits and bobs of my life with you guys!
Here are 15 things I truly enjoy in life!
- Tea - As I've previously statet in one of my videos, I have a big obsession with tea!

- Memories - I think everyone enjoys looking back at great memories!
- Honesty - One big important thing for me. If you want to be my friend, you've got to be 110% honest with me!
- Movies - I love my movies! And I love quoting them also!
- Change - Now some people might find this a bit scary, I do too. But change is always good and it's probably for the best!
- Love - I am a hopeless romantic, when I like something (or someone) very much I don't just "like it very much", I love it!
- Travelling - I love getting to go to new places and meeting new people and experiencing things that normally I wouldn't in my country or my culture!
- Books - They are my life! I completely get lost in books and if I really like a certain book I will not put it down till I finish it!
- Sleeping - Some people think that sleeping is a waste of time because you are not enjoying life... Rubish!! Sleeping is one of my favouritest things in life and when I'm old it's really gonna pay off!
- Light - The light of the sun, when you turn on the lights once it's starts to get dark outside, etc. I just like that and I really don't know why... but I like it!
- Stationery - One of my biggest loves in life is stationery! I love to go to stores and buy a bunch of it even if I don't have any use for it... I know I will some day!
- Perfumes - Ohh! They make me feel so feminine! I love sweet and flowery scented perfumes!
- Pictures - To "Save Moments" they are the best but also I really like pictures because I really really like photography!
- Music - One of my "must have it at all times"! I can't imagine life without music!
- Laughing - It's good for the soul, it's good for the body, it's good for everything!
And those are 15 of the things I love in life. The other 15 gonna be in video form on my Youtube channel, tomorrow!
I hope you enjoyed this! Thank you for reading and I will talk to you in a couple of days :)
Carolina Rosalie