Friday, 31 October 2014

•Who I Am•

Happy Halloween!!
Halloween is today and Christmas is not far away and I couldn't be happier about those major events. I am a person who has a huge passion for seasons, festive dates and special days of the year!
My family is not quite like me which makes me feel a little bit sad as I don't celebrate these properly. But I have high hopes and I believe it will all change in a few years time!

The things I love most about these type of days are the spirit that people are in, the decorations, the costumes, the food! For Halloween is mainly the "decorating your house all scary and the getting all dressed up in beautifully thought costumes" - even the scary ones are beautiful! During Christmas what I love most are all the lights on the streets, the trees, the films, the sweets!
The more I think about it, the more I want it to be Christmas! Christmas has got to be my favourite festive date of all the "special" days one year has.

I don't really know what I else to say about this passion of mine, I really can't express it in a lot of words. Therefore I think the best thing to do now is to present you with a display of Halloween and Christmas pictures. Enjoy! x

Carolina Rosalie ♥

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Cooler Fashion

Bags and Shoes are essential! In the cooler months dark colours are the finest!
Redder tones are welcome as well
Golden Glory!
Rain Boots essentially cute!
Sparkling is good for special occasions!

Sweaters or Jumpers... whatever you want to call them, they make you feel warm and cozy which is what Autumn and Winter are all about!

More "Cooler Fashion" pieces in future blog posts x
Take care!
Carolina Rosalie ♥

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

More Random Information

Today I decided to give you more random information about myself because why not?... I felt like writting so instead of making this the proper way - on video format - I am writting it here on my blog! This is the a small portion of the "30 Question TAG"!

The 1st question is "Do you have any pets?"
I don't have any pets but I really want a cat!

The 2nd question is "What colour top are you wearing?"
Black, the blackest top ever!

The 3rd question is "Name 3 things that are physically close to you."
This is not a question, it's a request... My red umbrella, a binder with a lot of paper and my old Curriculum Vitae.

The 4the question is "What time did you wake up this morning?"
Today I woke up a 8am.

The 5th question is "When was the last time you showered?"
I showered a couple of hours ago.

The 6th question is "Have you ever been to a different country?"
Yes! I've been to Spain 3 times and to Mozambique 1 time, when I was just a pee (in other words I was 2 years old - cute ☺)

The 7th question is "How many siblings do you have?"
I have one younger sister!

The 8th question is "How old will you be turning on your next birthday?"
I will be turning 19 on the 16th of March, next year and I am really excited about that!! Eeek!!

The 9th question is "How did your parents pick your name?"
My mum picked my name because she really likes it! And so do I!

The 10th question is "Do you wear contacts or glasses?"
I wear glasses and I've wore glassed since I was 11.

The 11th question is "Do you colour your hair?"
For the past year I haven't coloured my hair but sometimes I do because I really like to experiment with it! And I really want to colour my hair at the moment!

The 12th question is "What is your full name?"
I really dislike my full name. I like half of it!
My full name is Carolina da Rosa Issufo Ibraimo (guess in the comments what are the names I do not like...)

The 13th question is "Which do you prefer-hamburgers or cheseeburgers?"
Cheeseburgers! I love cheese!

The 14th question is  "What is your eye colour?"
Chocolatie brown ☺

In the comment section tell me some things about yourself if you want.
I'll talk to you soon! Take care xx
Carolina Rosalie ♥

Monday, 27 October 2014

Best Things

Today I wanted to share my opinion on what are the best things in life, material things, experiences and even people.
In terms of people I can say that the best people are the people who are not afraid to go after the things they want, the people who don't care about what others might think, they just do what the want to do and if it goes right then happy days, if it goes wrong better try harder next time! Also people who are extremely creative and are not afraid to show and share their emotions with others. These "types"of people really are an inspiration to me... For example: I've been watching Youtube videos for the past 5 years and looking back and thinking about how that has transformed my life is incredible! This community is one I really connected with. When I see what they do with their lives, they inspire people whilst doing what they love, that is truly amazing!! 

In terms of material things I think the most important things are a camera, a notebook and a pen, a phone and maybe even a computer. All of these things allow me to connect with others, to save memories either in video form or in pictures. A notebook and a pen allow me to write which I something extremely important as it allows me to concentrate, think and express myself. 
Finally in terms of experiences and memories I think there are no "best ones". Every person is different so experience is different! I think that as long as it was/is memorable for the person or it has some kind of meaning it is worth remembering!!

And that's it really. This is just a really short post, a way to express myself. Comment down below what are your best things in life! Don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin' for more blog posts and feel free to check out all my other social media.

I'll talk to you soon! Take care xx
Carolina Rosalie ♥

Thursday, 23 October 2014

•Little Things•

For the past 2 weeks some things happened to me, things that really came at the right time, that put a smile on my face, made me laugh and cheered me up. These things are not big events or presents, they are some of the simplest things in life and I am honestly very happy to be presented with them!

A few days ago I was on Twitter just seeing what things people were talking about, catching up on my daily amount of news and I got a notification... A few people followed me and I was like "Oh great! Let me see who are these people...". I opened all of the Twitter profiles and I was surprised to see that James Arthur followed me. That immediatelly cheered me up, made scream, made me jump out of my seat - I was actually standing up but you know what I mean! This "follow", the simplest of things literally is an incredible present. And I'm aware this doesn't mean we are bff's from now on - I wish... - but it makes me feel genuinely happy!

Last week I had to go to the doctors and I put on some of my new clothes - the ones you saw on my haul video. I was very comfortable and I thought I looked very good!
One of my friends birthdays is next week - you might know her from the blog "Loving The New Life" - and she invited me and some other friends of hers to go and have lunch on such a special occasion!

It's little things like this that give me joy and make my life brighter!
If anything similar has happened to you feel free to share it in the comments section. Alright, that is all for now.
I'll talk to you soon, take care xx
Carolina Rosalie ♥

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

•The Holiday•

Hello everyone. Today I have another post of mine, one of the weird ones!
The other day I was stressing about a billion things and I usually talk to my mom when I'm like that. Well she left mid-conversation and so I had to find something else that would calm me down... so I went and did my brows. Oddly enough I find that relaxing because it's just me and my tweezers, my thoughts and some plucking.

So that is the concept of this post, weird things that comfort and relax me! Here are some more...

Cleaning and organizing. For some people, like me, this is not weird at all but I thought I'd put this here anyway because there are a lot of people who don't understand "why the hell" do I like to clean when I'm upset.
Exercising is a common thing to do when under a lot of stress but I find it a bit weird because I'm not the most sportiest of girls... But the truth is: it really works!

And those are all of my weird ways to relax! To be honest only the first one can be considered weird, the other 2 are pretty common. That being said, here are other very normal things I find myself doing when feeling sad, stressed, upset, a combination of the 3 or any other "negative feeling".

  • I watch the movie "The Holiday", my favourite movie of all movies!
  • I listen to "sad" music. It makes me feel more sad, then I cry and then I feel better!
  • I like to go take a long hot shower and stay there, under the water, for as long as I possibly can before being told off by my mum!
  • If I'm feeling tired enough I go to sleep and then I'll wake up refreshed!
  • I make tea and watch cartoons or videos on Youtube!
  • If I have to go somewhere I put on makeup and I'll feel more awake and confident!
  • I write! Blog posts, random stories, to-do lists, other lists, emotional tweets that I actually never tweet. Writing is one of the best therapies!
  • There's one particular Youtube video that immediately puts me in a good mood. Click here to know what it is!
  • I think. I just lay in my bed and either think about what is wrong and how can I make it better or I day dream!
And those are all of the things, at least the ones I can remember right now, that I like to do when I am not in such a good mood. I once did a blog post on this subject so click here if you'd like to read it.
Comment down below some of things you find yourself doing when you're not feeling good and let me know if you'd like more posts like this!
Don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin' as well as all the other social media I use.
This week I will not upload Youtube videos because I am sick and I haven't got any videos filmed but hopefully next week I'll be better and I'll back to 2 videos per week, so make sure you are subscribed to my Youtube channel to be updated on future videos!

Thank you so much for reading. Take care xx
Carolina Rosalie ♥

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Getting Ready fo Autumn

Hello everyone! Recently I did some shopping as Autumn is finally here. As you know I, myself like to watch haul videos and I bet there's a lot of people who love them too. And so for that very reason I filmed a haul recently where I showed you my recent purchases.
If you have not seen the video here it is:

As promised on the video I have, for you, pictures of the things I bought so that you can see them a little bit better. This time it's just gonna be pictures of the book and the notepads because I want to start doing #OOTD posts and my first ones will features the 5 pieces of clothing I bought :)

If you'd like to buy any of the items I showed you here and on my video here are the links:
Zara's Grey Jumper:
Zara's Stripped Long-Sleeve Shirt:
Zara's Black Basic Top:
Stradivarius Red Jumper:
Stradivarius "I'm Not A Blogger" Grey T-shirt:

The only things I could not find online were the notepads. Sorry about that! I'm sure you'll find better ones where you live!

That is all for today. I hope you enjoyed reading this as well as watching my video - make sure you do watch my videos, I'm getting better at those! I will talk to you in a few days!
Don't forget to subscribe to my channel for videos twice a week, follow me on Bloglovin' and feel free to check out all my other social media!

Talk to you soon. Take care xx
Carolina Rosalie ♥