The other day I was stressing about a billion things and I usually talk to my mom when I'm like that. Well she left mid-conversation and so I had to find something else that would calm me down... so I went and did my brows. Oddly enough I find that relaxing because it's just me and my tweezers, my thoughts and some plucking.
So that is the concept of this post, weird things that comfort and relax me! Here are some more...
Cleaning and organizing. For some people, like me, this is not weird at all but I thought I'd put this here anyway because there are a lot of people who don't understand "why the hell" do I like to clean when I'm upset.
Exercising is a common thing to do when under a lot of stress but I find it a bit weird because I'm not the most sportiest of girls... But the truth is: it really works!
And those are all of my weird ways to relax! To be honest only the first one can be considered weird, the other 2 are pretty common. That being said, here are other very normal things I find myself doing when feeling sad, stressed, upset, a combination of the 3 or any other "negative feeling".

So that is the concept of this post, weird things that comfort and relax me! Here are some more...
Cleaning and organizing. For some people, like me, this is not weird at all but I thought I'd put this here anyway because there are a lot of people who don't understand "why the hell" do I like to clean when I'm upset.
Exercising is a common thing to do when under a lot of stress but I find it a bit weird because I'm not the most sportiest of girls... But the truth is: it really works!
And those are all of my weird ways to relax! To be honest only the first one can be considered weird, the other 2 are pretty common. That being said, here are other very normal things I find myself doing when feeling sad, stressed, upset, a combination of the 3 or any other "negative feeling".

- I watch the movie "The Holiday", my favourite movie of all movies!
- I listen to "sad" music. It makes me feel more sad, then I cry and then I feel better!
- I like to go take a long hot shower and stay there, under the water, for as long as I possibly can before being told off by my mum!
- If I'm feeling tired enough I go to sleep and then I'll wake up refreshed!
- I make tea and watch cartoons or videos on Youtube!
- If I have to go somewhere I put on makeup and I'll feel more awake and confident!
- I write! Blog posts, random stories, to-do lists, other lists, emotional tweets that I actually never tweet. Writing is one of the best therapies!
- There's one particular Youtube video that immediately puts me in a good mood. Click here to know what it is!
- I think. I just lay in my bed and either think about what is wrong and how can I make it better or I day dream!
Comment down below some of things you find yourself doing when you're not feeling good and let me know if you'd like more posts like this!
Don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin' as well as all the other social media I use.
This week I will not upload Youtube videos because I am sick and I haven't got any videos filmed but hopefully next week I'll be better and I'll back to 2 videos per week, so make sure you are subscribed to my Youtube channel to be updated on future videos!
Thank you so much for reading. Take care xx
Carolina Rosalie ♥