This is the first year I am honestly so torn between so many great people. Usually, at Bootcamp and Judge's Houses, I feel emotional about a few performances and from that I pick a couple of favourites. But not this time...
First of all the amazing judging panel is just amazing:
Simon, The Great God of X Factor, is back.
Louis is still in the panel and each year I gain more and more love for him.
Cheryl, the sweetest most adorable person of all, is also back.
And finally Melanie Brown, aka. Mel B, is just spicy - saw what I did there?... But seriously she is just amazing and I love more more and more from weekend to weekend.
Then we've got the contestants... I love multiple contestans from each and every category! I am so torn and I just want all of them to win and be succesful and great and I want to be friends with all of them because they are just so freaking good and they make me feel quite emotional and I love them all! - That was a long one...
From the boys we have: Andrea Faustini, Paul Akister and Jake Quickenden. I love the 3 boys!
Andrea is an italian god who loves pugs and I just love him, his personality and of course his voice and the way he performs in general. ♥
Paul is so humble, such a great singer and I've loved him since last year. I reminds me of James Arthur, just a little bit. I love him! ♥
Jake is very good looking but what I really love his the way he performs, he gives all he's got and more and he sings with such passion! I love it!
"Yeah! Like pugs!"

"Simon: Paul, I think both me and you had a great time during that performance!"
Chloe, I love her! She is gorgeous and her voice, her taste in music is so beautiful! ♥
Steph's voice is very pretty, like her!
Lauren has got something about her... She absolutely beautiful and I love her style as well as her voice!

From the groups we have: Only The Young, The New BoyBand and Blonde Electra.
I was very excited about Only The Young because I saw their videos on Youtube - thanks to someone who asked me on Twitter to check out their Youtube channel! - and I really liked them... their voices, their style, their type of music. I liked everything and so I am very excited to see their journey on X Factor! ♥
The New BoyBand is just very exciting to watch and to listen to. There are a few members that I quite liked from previous seasons of the show and that combined with new members just gives it a lot of an interesting fact!!
Blonde Electra are not my type of artists but still I want them to do well because they seem to be very nice, hard-working girls!

Jay's voice is just absolutely amazing. I want him to do so well!
Fleur is again not my type of artist but I really think she can go far in the competition!
Ben Haenow has got to be my favourite over! His rusky voice is killer, I absolutely love him! ♥

It is till very early in the competition for me to say who are my favourites to win - because I might grow some more love for the other contestans, which happens all the time. James Arthur is the perfect example! - but there's 1 person who I really want to see do well in the competition... my favourite italian, Andrea! He is my winner and has been since the beginning! I really hope he goes far and I can't wait to se what the future has for him! I love ya!! ♥♥
There's also a special someone who I hope is brought back in the competition and her name is Lola Saunders! I really hope she is one of the wild cards and I really really want her to stay! She is my other winner and has been since day 1! Fingers crossed and let's hope Cheryl and the public choose her! ♥♥
Comment down below who are your favourite contestans and we can all share some love for them!
Thank you so much for reading. I hope you have a fantastic week. Talk to you soon :)
Carolina Rosalie ♥