In terms of people I can say that the best people are the people who are not afraid to go after the things they want, the people who don't care about what others might think, they just do what the want to do and if it goes right then happy days, if it goes wrong better try harder next time! Also people who are extremely creative and are not afraid to show and share their emotions with others. These "types"of people really are an inspiration to me... For example: I've been watching Youtube videos for the past 5 years and looking back and thinking about how that has transformed my life is incredible! This community is one I really connected with. When I see what they do with their lives, they inspire people whilst doing what they love, that is truly amazing!!
In terms of material things I think the most important things are a camera, a notebook and a pen, a phone and maybe even a computer. All of these things allow me to connect with others, to save memories either in video form or in pictures. A notebook and a pen allow me to write which I something extremely important as it allows me to concentrate, think and express myself.
Finally in terms of experiences and memories I think there are no "best ones". Every person is different so experience is different! I think that as long as it was/is memorable for the person or it has some kind of meaning it is worth remembering!!
And that's it really. This is just a really short post, a way to express myself. Comment down below what are your best things in life! Don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin' for more blog posts and feel free to check out all my other social media.
I'll talk to you soon! Take care xx
Carolina Rosalie ♥