This is not supposed to be a review of the album but it will partially be a type of review. I am writting this post to express the love I have for this amazing girl and everything she is as an artist and as a person.

I actually only started watching 'The X Factor UK' in 2012, the season she was in. Before that I had never watched the show, something I really regret. I watched her audition and I immediately fell in love and from that moment till the end of the season she was my favourite contestant.
Little Mix are my favourite band as well as some of the people who really inspire me and as they were mentored by Tulisa when they were contestants on the show I really wanted Ella to be in Tulisa's group. It happened just like I wanted it to and I was so happy!
I wanted her to win the show so bad and when she was voted off I was gutted and I cried and kicked doors... I was that in love with her! I had to pick another contestant to be my favourite and that place was took by Mr. James Arthur who is (1) one of my inspirations, (2) one of my crushes and (3) one of my favourite singers of all time.

I only listened to the album a few times but I already have favourite songs. Obviously 'Missed', she sang it when auditiong for the show and that is one of the reasons I fell for her and it's such a beautiful great song; 'Hard Work' has got the most beautiful lyrics; 'The First Time', I relate with the lyrics and I love her voice on this song; 'Five Tattoos', I really liked this one when I first heard it on her Vevo channel; 'Glow', her second single, I really like to hear her sing this acoustically; 'Mirror Man' is really catchy; 'Empire', her vocals are killer; '1996' because I relate to the lyrics and also because I'm a "Little Miss from '96".
One thing I am really looking foward is seeing her on tour! Hopefully it won't take long for her to announce she doing one and dates, places and I hope she comes here and if she doesn't I might have to go to England just to see her perform.

If for some reason you don't know who Ella is - what's wrong with you? have you been living hidden from the world? - I think you should check out her music because she is amazing!
Here are her links!
*Ella Henderson Vevo:
*Her journey on The X Factor (Playlist):
*Buy her album:
If you are an Ella Star and you love Ella like you love your mum then share some of that love on the comment section and tell me some of the things that you love about her!
Also make sure to give me some love - if you'd like to ☺ - by checking out my channel and all other links!
I will talk to you in a couple of days. Thanks for reading! Take care x
Carolina Rosalie ♥