Hello everyone! By the title of this post you may think I have gone mad and I have because I am comparing my Blog and Youtube channel to a baby... not that crazy!
This is going to be my Blog and Youtube Story!
It all started last year, in June. I started my own blog and my first post had a picture of me at the airport. There I explained what was my blog about and also said I was planning on starting my own Youtube channel - which I did!
The blog posts were not scheduled at all and I did not plan any of them. There was even one day when I posted 3 blog posts just because I was so excited for everyone to read them. But then for a long time I had nothing to write about and so took a break from blogging.
I then, after almost 3 months, came back with a post called "I'm back" where I told my readers what posts was I planning to do in the future. I did 2 of them. I kept on blogging till late November and then I took another break, a 5 week one.
My last post of 2013 was on the 30th of December, a post called "Back Again". There I announced I was going to start my channel soon.
I started making videos in March, 3 days before turning 18 years old. I kept on doing those videos for 6 weeks. And then I had to take break and I never did a video for that channel again.
I started a brand new channel, the one I currently have and I have been doing videos for that channel for over a month now.
Now here comes the weird part...
This blog was kind of a pregnancy. I "got pregnant" in June, 2013 and 9 months later, in March, 2014 I delivered my baby to the world, my Youtube channel.
I stayed home with the baby (aka. kept on posting and making videos) for 6 weeks and then I had to go back to work (aka. school), so the baby and I only saw each other at night and at the weekends (aka. me posting on my blog every once in a while).
I only had my vacation in the 3rd and 4th weeks of August (aka. I had exams in June and I went on holiday in July and the first 2 weeks of August). I spent a lot of much needed time with my baby in my vacation (aka. started blogging and making videos again).
I then decided that I was going to take a bigger break from work, till October to spend more time with my baby (aka. I am not in school anymore and I am only going to start working/taking courses or workshops in October).
My baby is both my Blog and my Youtube channel.
The Blog is the fetus and the baby's personality - I started this "baby" with my blog and my personality is in each and every single post.
The Youtbe channel is the baby's personality and looks - 9 months after starting my blog I started making videos and there you see my personality but you also see what I look like.
And that is my current situation. I am blogging and making videos way more often and I plan on keeping that schedule even when I start "working again".
This was me at the airport the night before One Direction's first concert in Portugal
This was me in Porto
*Blog Series: A Trip to Porto*

This was me a few weeks ago at a wedding
*Blog Post: Summer Wedding*

And this is my message for all of you!
Creating this blog and then it's extension, my Youtube channel,
were two of the best decisions I've ever made in my life!
I hope you've enjoyed reading this very weird blog post. Be sure to check out my channel to see the video I made about my Blog and my Youtube channel. Feel free to subscribe and also check out all my other social media.
Thanks for reading. Take care xx
Carolina Rosalie ♥