As I am trying to be the best blogger and vlogger I can be, so that both my blog and my channel grow, I have to be organized... plan my posts and videos, have a writting or filming schedule and a posting and uploading schedule.
For me being the best I can be comes a bit from organizing myself in preparition for the "event".
And I know not all people are organised... I bet most of the people in the world would like to be like that but we don't always get what we want. And this post is exactly for those people! I am going to try to give some tips on how to be organised and be aware, it's probably not going to be easy if you don't like doing some of the things I am going to give tips on. But life's just like that, for everyone!
If you have an "event" coming up - like a test or a party, which I know are complete opposites but this works for either of them - you should plan ahead. Take an afternoon to plan, and maybe even schedule, what you have to do in preparation for that and than stick to that plan.
Tip 2 - Sticking to your plans or schedules
One thing you should do to your plan or schedule is to put it somewhere you look at very often. The fridge door or a board where you keep all your important things would be the perfect places.
Tip 3 - Notes on your phone
Everyone is very attached to their phones nowadays, myself included - Even though I have the crappiest phone ever! - and one thing I like to do is write little notes on my phone, about important things I've got to do. At the end of the day or the week, depending on how important the notes are, I will open those notes I made on my phone and I will write them down on my agenda.
Tip 4 - Agendas or Notebooks
I have got a lot of notebooks that I use as an agenda and I also have an agenda, which I don't use as often because I've got the notebooks. Buy one of those, always have it with you and use it to write important dates, projects, things you want to do, researches you might have to make or, if like me you have a blog or/and a youtube channel, ideas for blogposts or videos.

Tip 5 - Stationery
This is one of my loves in life. I always like to buy too much stationery bits even if I don't have any use for them because I know that one day I will use them. And that tends to happen because I am always writting things, usually on loose papers or random notebooks that I use for something else. When it all gets a bit too messy I get my binders, colorful pens, sticky notes and things like that and I organise all my papers into categories.
These are some tips on how to be organised. I want you to try them and then come back to this blogpost and comment down what were the results. If you want me to do another post like this on a specific subject just comment down below. If you want me to make a video on this topic just let me know. I hope this has helped even if just one of you!
Don't forget to check out my channel as well as all my other social media sites. I will talk to you in a couple of days :)
Carolina Rosalie