Saturday 18 October 2014

Getting Ready fo Autumn

Hello everyone! Recently I did some shopping as Autumn is finally here. As you know I, myself like to watch haul videos and I bet there's a lot of people who love them too. And so for that very reason I filmed a haul recently where I showed you my recent purchases.
If you have not seen the video here it is:

As promised on the video I have, for you, pictures of the things I bought so that you can see them a little bit better. This time it's just gonna be pictures of the book and the notepads because I want to start doing #OOTD posts and my first ones will features the 5 pieces of clothing I bought :)

If you'd like to buy any of the items I showed you here and on my video here are the links:
Zara's Grey Jumper:
Zara's Stripped Long-Sleeve Shirt:
Zara's Black Basic Top:
Stradivarius Red Jumper:
Stradivarius "I'm Not A Blogger" Grey T-shirt:

The only things I could not find online were the notepads. Sorry about that! I'm sure you'll find better ones where you live!

That is all for today. I hope you enjoyed reading this as well as watching my video - make sure you do watch my videos, I'm getting better at those! I will talk to you in a few days!
Don't forget to subscribe to my channel for videos twice a week, follow me on Bloglovin' and feel free to check out all my other social media!

Talk to you soon. Take care xx
Carolina Rosalie ♥